Open Publishing for all

Welcome to

Founding Date 02-05-2024

I, under pseudonym Sygnus Sircularis, have founded this project with one purpose, freedom of publishing.

As an amateur writer who wrote several short stories, poems and essays I often find within myself the burning desire to share my work with the world. Therefore, I decided to set up a platform where I and anyone else with this desire, can publish anything.

I invite you to go explore the web page and read around, enjoying the content created by all our other writers and if you are in the mood for it, to submit your own work for publishing.
Below I have detailed the founding principles of this project, take these in mind when publishing or using the page.

7 Primary Principles

1. Freedom of publishing

Due to the limited nature of being able to publish with existing organisations, this project will be unique in the way that any and all content will be allowed. However, mature content will receive a mature content warning for legal compliance. In the starting phase all content will be reviewed by me, mostly due to curiosity. In case I find something in your work that is blatantly racist, inciting hate or otherwise inappropriate, I will contact you to discuss your content and context, with the goal of achieving publication with minimal or, preferably, no editing.

2. Freedom of types of work

Principally, all types of textual media are allowed. This includes but is not limited to: Books, Short stories, Poetry, Songtext/Lyrics, Essays, Scientific Papers.

All languages are also allowed, however, the framework of the website will remain in English. If you wish to provide translations upon later dates, I can always add these. If you wish to add translation of works that are not your own, you can do so and I will include a disclaimer for the translated work.

I will attempt to categorise the web page, such that it is easier to find what one is looking to read, however some works may not fit in a category, for these there exists a mixed category.
Please include in submitted works what category you would like to publish in, if I disagree, I will contact you for explanation such that we can ensure a placement that is representative of your work and its intention.

An expansion for audio, visual media and audiovisual media is planned for the future, if financial means allow for it, as this will require vastly more storage capacity.

3. Anonymity

Personally, I have written many things that are autobiographical to a level that I would not want them associated with my person. I also realise that for many, shame or other emotions might prevent them from publishing their work. This has lead to me deciding that anonymity will be of highest priority on this site.

Of course, if one wishes to publish under their own name, they are totally free to do so.

However, if one wishes to publish anonymously, I recommend choosing a pseudonym that is not easily linked to your person. As I do not wish upon myself the liability and responsibility of keeping your identity secret and to provide an extra layer of safeguarding, I recommend those who wish to remain anonymous to contact me exclusively under their pseudonym!

Anyone should feel free to generate as many pseudonyms as they desire, this can be useful in case you wish to publish several works, which together might be used to link to your real world personality. This is especially useful since the website allows visitors to categorise works by the authors pseudonym.

4. Use of AI

Any use of AI is strictly prohibited, I wish to encourage the writing spirit and freedom of thought. To prevent use of AI I will screen all works for AI content.

There is one notable exception to this, your work could contain a conversation with an AI as a story device, or it could involve, in the case of essays and scientific literature, an analysis of content created by AI, or methods of generating AI content.

For this reason, any authors of works that are flagged as being AI content will be contacted to discuss why this could be happening, such that items under the previously mentioned exceptions, or other uses with good arguments from the author, can be published anyway.

5. Copyright infingement

The publishing of works by other authors will not be allowed, if you find your work here and can prove that it is yours, while you did not wish for it to be published here, it will be removed immediately. Additionally, if I directly recognise your work from another author whose work I have read, this will also be grounds for removal.

6. Removal

I can imagine that you might regret submitting an item for publication. For this eventuality, anyone who submits a work will receive a confirmation email upon publishing, this email will contain a randomly generated string of characters, make sure to save this. Upon your request for removal, in which you provide this string of characters, your work will promptly be removed.

7. Spirit of collaboration

I wish to foster a collaborative community, where we can improve each other, as well as provide a foundation on which community writing projects can be built. Therefore, while criticism, as well as very harsh and negative criticism is allowed, please make sure your comments under authors posts are not written with the intent to dissuade them from writing more. Everyone here should wish upon everyone else, the motivation as well as the power to improve. If such negative demotivational intent is detected, you will be contacted to have a chance to explain your comment, add context, or edit it. Comments that remain in violation of this principle might be removed.